Volume 17 - Issue 3

Editorial Biomedical Science and Research Biomedical Science and Research CC by Creative Commons, CC-BY

Can Physiological Mechanisms in Aging and Anti-Aging Interventions?

*Corresponding author: Jia-Ping Wu, Department of Medical Technology, Medical College of Shaoquan University, Shaoguan City 512005, P.R.C., Guangdong Province, Chinac

Received: October 17, 2022; Published:October 25, 2022

DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2022.17.002342


Aging is an inevitable physiological response. An inevitable process that randomly and passively declines in function, leading to loss of homeostasis over time. Successful aging is the accumulation of gradual structural changes in a person over time, rather than living through their old age due to illness or disability, ultimately leading to death [1]. Successful aging is an important part of human society, referring to the multidimensional process of physical and cognitive abilities that reflect the occurrence of biological changes, but also reflect cultural and social practices. Even in the later years, there is physical, psychological, and social growth and development [2]. Successful aging includes three components: subjective good health assessment, good mental health, high cognitive physical function, active participation in life, friendship, social interaction, hobbies, and community service activities [3]. The extension of the life expectancy of the elderly can be established through the support system of family, friends, and medical service providers. On the other hand, focusing on good nutrition and living habits and good stress management can prevent diseases and reduce the impact of chronic diseases [4]. As life span is shortened results in genetic changes may occur. Therefore, reducing oxidative damage due to DNA damage, or reducing cell suicide can make life longer. The anti-aging change is a process of physiological and pathological interaction changes. However, not all observed changes in the aging process are related to normal physiological functions. Hypertension, heart disease, or cardiovascular disease makes it difficult to distinguish between the process of normal aging and the disease [5]. In particular, the relationship between changes in disease and aging remains unclear. Can anti-aging mechanisms reverse the aging process through strategies? .


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